Listed below are Letters from the Yenko Dealership Files
Many are carbon and onion skin copies, so please forgive poor quality
8-10-65 Request for Manufacturer's Classification (Note Name: Yenko Bonanza)

First of many letters for the production of the Yenko Stinger.

10-6-65 Letter from Sterling Moss

10-9-65 Request by Yenko for Chevrolet Fleet Account

Yenko Submitting SCCA Production Form

10-11-65 Yenko's Request for SCCA Classification of the Yenko Stinger

10-28-65 Inquiry Regarding Fleet Order of 100 Chevrolet Corvairs

12-20-65 Schedule Visit by SCCA Inspector of 100 Stingers
12-21-65 Request for ACCUS Certification

12-21-65 Kaser Request

12-29-65 Request for Bona Fide Manufacturer of Automobiles

1-7-66 SCCA Official Recognition of Yenko Stinger in class "D"

1-17-66 ACCUS Certification

3-8-66 NHRA Letter to Dismuke

5-24-66 NHRA Letter from Dismuke

6-14-66 Letter from Ed Cole Congradulating Don on the Stinger Success

7-2-66 Letter to Ed Cole on 1967 Stinger, West Coast Distributor, moving 50 Corsa's

9-6-66 Request to NHRA for Certification

9-16-66 Letter to Ed Cole 1967 Stinger, Race Success

9-16-66 Page 2

12-2-66 Still no NHRA Certification

10-13-67 Letter to Jim Patterson